Monday, January 24, 2011

Dago car free day

For so long time, I have just realized that English language is so important.

This morning I have had accompanied friend of mine in my Collage, Bandung State Polytechnic, Adrian Chandra Faradhipta. He is a member of AIESEC, voluntary international organization that have aims to develop the education sector in the developing countries. Our destination was Dago Car Free Day, but before we went to Dago, we had to pick up one of the other AIESEC member from Margahayu. She is a women, her name is Sophia. She is a new volunteer from China and the newly arrived in Bandung three days ago.
I do not know, even my subject is English language I have not talked to foreigner before.  This morning is the first time I talked to foreigner with my English and for so long.

We arrived in Dago at 8.30 am. We had two agendas in there. First, accompanied the new volunteer to look  around Bandung especially Dago. Then the second one is met debaters from another collage. We had a meeting with others debaters in order to improve our skill in debate. This is because in a March, there is a competition of National Polytechnic Debating Contest.

I met a lot of friends this day.

I have got many advantages things from Adrian, Sophia and others.
Friends…Its not “Good Bye” or “See You Letter” or “See You Some Days” but I hope I can “See You Very SOON”

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tofu Stations a.k.a POM Tahu in Lembang

In August 2010 I visited the POM Tahu at Lembang. This is a tourist attraction and tofu manufacturer. In this place there are many children's games like paint balls, small water-soaked, swing, and the rabbit park.
One of the places that I think is interesting is the rabbit park because there we can freely play with the rabbit common species.
Except that at POM Tahu Lembang provide a food court which is selling food with tofu as menu-based or using a mix out.

This place is usually crowded on weekends, the people who come to this place not only from Bandung but from the big cities in Indonesia. After satisfied to play and eat, before heading home we can shop at the factory outlet which available there.


In 2009 I went to Bali. in Bali, I stayed at the hotel near Kuta. I visited several places in Bali such as Kuta, Kintamani , Tanjung Benoa, turtle island, watching barong performances, GWK, Tanah lot, and Jimbaran.
In kuta I play on the beach while enjoying the sunset. In Kintamani I took my breakfast, the atmosphere in Kintamani is very beautiful especially from my table I could see the expanse of mountains and sea. In Tanjung Benoa I play the water game like jetski and banana boat, from Tanjung Benoa I crossed to the turtle island by boat. In turtle island I could see turtle eggs and the oldest turtle. Beside the turtles I could see many kinds of animal like ma big snake, iguana, bats and hawks. I also do not forget to go to see barong show after that I went to GWK to see the works of Nyoman Nuarta.  I went to the jimbaran to enjoy dinner on the beach while the dinner there is a group of people would sing to entertain the guests who were eating. and on my last day in Bali I went to visit the land lots, there are caves where there are snakes “Kramat” cave guarded by several people. Besides, there are freshwater springs in the central coast.

The Ranch, Lembang Bandung

The Ranch, Lembang Bandung 

At the end of 2010 I visited The Ranch at Lembang. The Ranch is one of the equestrian tourist attractions in the city of Bandung. Admission price for this place is 5000 rupiah and the tickets can be directly exchanged for pure milk. At the resort is a lot of games on offer such as water ball games, archery, horse riding etc.
The Ranch theme is co boy so that everything in order and decorated like co boy
atmosphere at the ranch is very cool and fresh. The scenery is very beautiful with Tangkuban perahu mountain background and pretty flowers around the cage.

Batam Island

Batam Island

In June 2010 I went to Tanjung Pinang to meet my relative. After a day at Tanjung Pinang I across to the  Batam island by boat from Tanjung Pinang to Batam is just one hour.
In Batam, I live in Pacific Palace hotel. Pacific Palace hotel is the largest hotel in Batam with cruise ship-shaped this hotel is very large and luxurious. In the afternoon I went to the famous bridge in Batam that is Jembatan Barelang.
After went to Jembatan Barelang I go shopping in Nagoya there are plenty of goods ranging from handbags, watches, food, seluler phone, perfume with a cheaper price than usual.

The Exotic of Sorong, West Papua

Sorong West Papua

Last year, precisely in September I visited Sorong West Papua. The first day I visited a beach called “Tembok beach” to enjoy the sunset. This beach is called “Tembok beach” because next to the beach there is a wall that is often used by people to relax. After that I go to dinner at a seafood shop located in offshore.
The second day I went to shopping fresh fish to the fish market. Fish market is open every afternoon when the fishermen had returned from the sea. Fish that are sold are very diverse, ranging from small fish until the fish is the size of a baby human child. After returning from the fish market I took the time to buy Papua’s souvenirs like koteka, bag-shaped nets and hats from cendrawasih feathers. Don't forget I also take time to photography with Papua’s custom.

On the last day I went to “Tanjung beach”, a place far enough from the city but, this is a very beautiful coastal scenery. “Tanjung baech” has a blue sea, white sand and there are large rocks on the beach.
West Papua is a very beautiful place, you should visit there because this city is still very clean and fresh because there is no building lots, and the tourist attractions offered very beautiful place. I do not want to go home it's time to be there

Situ Patengan, Ciwidey Bandung

Telaga patengan or better known as Situ patengan is one of the natural attractions which is very popular in South Bandung area.Natural beauty and fresh cool air of these attractions make nearlyevery weekend or national holiday, tourism is very crowded by thevisitors.

Situ Patengang is located in  Ranca Bali Tea Plantation area, about 50 km south of Bandung, usually become final visit after thetourist to enjoy Nature Ciwidey and South Bandung, Patuha White crater, and the Tea Plantation RancaBali. These attractions can easily be achieved by using public transportation and Bandung-Ciwidey Ciwidey-Situ patengan or private vehicle.

Kuta Beach

Once a lonely little village on the road from Denpasar to Bukit Peninsula, popular mainly among the young and adventurous. Kuta beach is one of the first favorite beaches discovered by tourist. Coconut trees line the sand beach as far as the eyes can see towards the north stopped by the runway of Denpasar's airport far in the west. The sunset in Kuta is most breathtaking. On the south, the beach is fenced by the airport's runway, which gives the visitors a breathtaking landing experience. Kuta Beach bustles with tourists' vendors and locals. It's the most popular beach in Bali and the island's number one party zone. The beach stretches as far north as the eyes can see. As short walk away north, the waves will invite to surfing. Rapid development and an influx of visitors haven't kept the surfers away and Kuta still remains one of Bali's best surfing beaches and a great place to enjoy a beach lifestyle.

While the surfers are still part of the Kuta scene, it's the shopping, nightlife and party vibes that attracts thousands of visitors. There's a huge choice of accommodation, restaurants and entertainment. The accommodation in Kuta range from a modest home stay for a few dollars a night to luxurious, five star, international hotels costing several hundred to several thousand dollars a night. Legian Street, situated directly behind the row of hotels that face the beach, is lined with shops of all varieties. We can find any Balinese handicrafts here, from the least expensive to the most exquisite; or unique stores such as the leather store staffed by two young Balinese men that will perfectly sculpt a leather jacket. (They are all extremely talented artists). _At night, Kuta is alive with night life. Western influences create discotheques, dance clubs, and pubs. Gastronomical demands inspire a multitude of restaurants, serving traditional Indonesian and Balinese food to various ethnic meals from Japan, Switzerland, etc. As if these were not enough, various Balinese dance performances are staged in Kuta every night. One of the best Kecak performances is found in Kuta.

Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat casts a spell on all who visit – scientists, photographers, novice divers and crusty sea-salts alike. This group of majestic islands, located in the northwestern tip of Indonesia’s Papuan “Bird’s Head Seascape,” lies in the heart of the coral triangle, the most bio-diverse marine region on earth.

As stunningly beautiful above water as it is below, Raja Ampat (which literally translates as “The Four Kings”) has a startling diversity of habitats to explore. Each of these – from the stark wave-pounded slopes that drop away beneath the karst cliffs of Wayag and Uranie to the deep, nutrient-rich bays of Mayalibit, Kabui and Aljui to the “blue water mangrove” channels of Kofiau and Gam to the plankton-rich upwelling areas of Misool and the Dampier Strait – are home to unique assemblages of species that, when taken together, add to produce the most impressive species lists ever compiled for a coral reef system of this size.

Marine tourism, as a sustainable alternative to overfishing, mining, and logging, has the potential to play a key role in the conservation of Raja Ampat’s spectacular underwater realm, while also creating real benefits for the local communities. This website was designed as part of a larger effort to support the growth of sustainable marine tourism in Raja Ampat and the conservation of these magical islands.

Please explore this site to find information on breathtaking diving opportunities, travel logistics, Raja Ampat’s new tourism entrance fee (which directly supports conservation and community development), and the tremendous conservation effort taking place in Raja Ampat.
Biodiversity Features in Raja Ampat
and the greater Bird’s Head Seascape (Dec 2010)
1,606 species of reef fish in the Bird’s Head Seascape
1,397 species of reef fish in Raja Ampat
35 species of endemic reef fish found only in the Birds Head Seascape
603 species of hard coral recorded in the Bird’s Head Seascape
75% of all known coral species in the world
10 times the number of hard coral species found in the entire Caribbean
57 species of Mantis Shrimp in the Birds Head Seascape
13 species of Marine Mammals in the Bird’s Head Seascape
5 species of endangered sea turtles in the Bird’s Head Seascape 

Cangkuang temple,

 Cangkuang Temple is 10 kilometers from Tarogong to the North in the direction to Bandung. To go there, tourists particularly foreigners took delman (a traditional land transportation with horse in the front). Beautiful flowers cover the shallow situ. There is a small island in the middle of the lake, namely Cangkuang temple. It is the only Hindu temple that ever found in West Java is the important discovery in the past. Cangkuang has been built in the period of the first Sundanese Kingdom: Galuh Kingdom. Near the temple, there are heritage graves from the Moslem follower Arif Muhammad, who is one of the Mataram Kingdom soldier from Central Java when attacking the Dutch Colonialist in Batavia (now Jakarta), at the 17th Century. The ambush failed, he refused to return and stayed in Cangkuang for teaching and disseminating Islam to the surrounding community, precisely in Kampung Pulo, where his hereditary stays until now. In Kampung Pulo, can be found the traditional village, which contains six houses in a row and face-to-face, three on the left and three on the right, plus one mosque, which stays only six families. In the edge of the lake, to reach Cangkuang temple, people must use traditional transportation made from bamboo, but safe and comfortable that is called rakit (raft).

Krakatau Tour /Krakatoa Tour

The eruption of Krakatau/Krakatoa Volcano on August 1883, was recorded as the the world's biggest explosion the fence of 100.000 hydrogen bombs, tossed 18 cubic kilometer material of the Earth, 30 km high in to atmosphere and covered 827 square km black volcanic dust, the explosion were hear 350 miles away from Srilangka, to Perth Australia to Philippines, Giant wave or tsunami 30-40 meter high crashed ashore and devastated hundred of town and villages, reaching almost 100 kills island, over 36.00 people perished.
In 1927 amid submarine explosion, a new volcanic island is began from the sea where the old island had existed, in 1952 it reached 200 feed above the sea. it is named Anak Krakatau/Krakatoa (child of Krakatau) it is a new above 35 meters tall and spurting fire and cinder, it is lovely volcano in the middle of the sea.
UJUNG KULON TOUR JAKARTA has a reliable experience to organize Krakatau Tour Package to assist you visiting and closing Krakatau/Krakatoa and to visit easier UJUNGKULON TOUR Jakarta Krakatau/Krakatoa Tour Package was followed:
1. One day Krakatau Tour (The KrakatauTour with fast boat)
Depart from Carita at 8:00 AM than we board the boat (speed boat) to Krakatau volcano approximately 2 hours, landed and climb up the volcano than back to the boat to old Krakatau,Krakatoa island for snorkeling to see variety of fish at coral reef, lunch will be served on the beach, back to Carita in the afternoon. (end of trip)
DAY 01 - We pick you up at Jakarta air port or Jakarta city for meeting service with our Tour Guide or representative than transfer by car directly to coastal town of Carita beach take about 4 hours, overnight at Sunset view hotel (free program)
DAY 02 - After breakfast depart from hotel at 08:00 a.m than we board the boat (cruising) the Sunda strait to the famous, deserted, active volcano island, to sea is left of the biggest explosion ever recorded in history mankind (1883) approximately 1;30 hour, landing and climb up the volcano, back to the boat than continue to old Krakatau island for snorkeling to see variety of fish at coral reef "angelfish, surgeonfish, clownfish, batfish, butterfly fish etc", lunch will be served on the beach. Late afternoon back to Carita - Jakarta (End the trip)

Krakatau in a spectacular activity

Attractions in Ujung Kulon National Park

The tree entrance points for visitors to Ujung Kulon National are Taman Jaya, Peucang Island and Handeuluem Island. Two less visited regions, Panaitan Island and Gunung Honje Range, can be reaced fom these entrace Points or direct from Labuan.
The village of Tamanjaya, where the road down the coast line ends, is justide the park boundry. This is the main entry point for trekking into the park and visiting Handeuleum Island
This plesant village provide into kampong life and offers both short and long walks in Gunung Honje area and the south coast. Boat trips to Handeuleum and Peucang Islands can be made from Tamanjaya.

Cibiuk Hot Springs.
This short walk meadering through Tamanjaya village and paddy fields leads to a hot spring just inside the park just inside the park boundary.
Kalejetan Walk
The trail to Kalajetan passes throughforest holding a variety of wildlife including pigs, squirrels and monkeys. at the south coast the camping area and guard post overlook the wave swept sandy shores of Kalejetan and bateng grazing grounds. cracodiles are also found in nerby lagoon and rhino are occasionally sighted in this region. this very pleasant walk provides both forest and shores experience.
Handeuleum Island Trip
West across Welcome Bay by local fishing boat is Handeuleum Island amongst aa group of small island off the Ujung Kulon Peninsula.
The unique and delightfull island of Peucang lies in cleasr blu waters off the north western coastline of Ujung Kulon Peninsula. Itswhite sand beaches and coral reff shores hold a fascinating world of marinwe life while Peucang's impressive forest shelters an abundance of wildlife, some of which graze and paly around the lodges. Opposite Peucang Island across a 800 metres cannel is the Ujng Kulon Peninsula with a wide variety of attractions.
Peucang Island's beach is superb for swimming and shallow snorkelling reefs are also found all along the shore, for deeper snorkelling there are coral reefs to the east, midway between the island and mainland. Scuba diving areas are also found to the west and at several other locations off Peucang Island.

Karang Copong Walk
This pleasant walk north on peucang Island passes throughh towering forest to a rock achway beyond which are the reef pools of Karang Copong. The trail leads to the top of a bluff overlooking the reef from where spectacular tropical sunset can be seen. From this point an alternative trail return to the lodges.
Citerjun Teracces Trip
Located to the north esast on the mainland peninsula is calcifield terraces and stalacties created by the waters the citerjun. These are remnannts of the once spectacuklar formations recorded by early mariners that were destroyed by Krakatau tidal waves of 1883.

Cidaon Grazing Ground Trips
situated on Peninsula oppositee Pucang Island, this large grassland with an observation tower is grazing ground for banteng, pigs, monkey, peafowl and on very rae accosions Java Rinoceros. Early morning or evening are the bsta times to visit.Ciujung River Trip
Just to the east of Cidaon the waters of the Ciujungkulon form a canoeable route through overhanging nypa a swampland.
Cibunar Walk
From Cidaon the trail south through magnificient rain forest, crosses a low saddle, join the river Cibunar the continues to clearing and rock ramps on the south coast. jJust westerward are the cibunar river mouth and the park guardpost. Monkey, bantemg, pigs and the track of rhino are often seen on this trail and it provides a excellent profile of the park's vegetation.

Tanjung Layar
there are two ways of reaching Tanjung Layar. From those choosing the shorter walk. the boat travels 3 km west to Peninsula shore a Cibom. At Cibom are remains of a proposed naval port that was begun in 1808 and than abandoned because of hardships and polotical unheavals, and nearby shelter contains information about thev region. The trail followers the coastline west passing the currecnt lighthouse. from this tower are spectacular views of the rugged heeadliands and island below( permission must be obtanied from lighthouse staff to enter the property and to clib the lighthouse tower. The route continues to the ruins of early building from where a stairway climbs 40 m bluff to Tanjung Layar Historical Site where two previous lighthouses and staff quarters were constructed in 1800's.
Tanjung Layar (Via Cidaon)
The longer walk to Tanjung Layar involves a short boat ride to Cidaon river opposite Peucang Island. The trail follows the shores westward through coastal rain forest to Cibom and continues along the coast to the hitorical site.
Ciramea Walk
Ater taking a boat to Cibom the direct route to Ciramea travel throught the forest to a shelters at the south and follow the shore through rocky inletts and coastal forest to the nortern end af ciramea bach. Either ofthese routes can be used for a return trip.

Situated among a group of small islands just off the north eastern coast of the Ujung Kulon Peninsula, the Handeuleum island area offers river experiences with a variety of forest, wildlife and wetland in peace full location away from the main tourist routes.
Walk and Trip
This short forest walk across the island, the home of monkeys and deer, has views of Peninsula coasline and adjacent island.
Cigenter Grazing Ground
There several ways of reaching the grazing grounds and the most direct is by boats to a jetty near the Cigenter river mouth although alternatives routes through the forrest can be more interesting. The grazing ground's wildlife include banteng, pigs, deer, peafowl and tunneling birds .
Cigenter River Trip
Ccanoe trips up the Cigenter River are somewwhat influenced by tides and trees across the river and if conditions are right the canoes can travel deep into the forest. The cigenter's waters meader throught dese overhanging rain forest, the habitat of phyton and hornbillls where cracodiles and rhinos may also de seen on rare occasions. The charm of this river lies in its tranquile, primeval beauty.

Cihandeuleum Walk
Beyond the grazing grounds are dry season routes through the forest in the region between the Cigenter and Cikembeumbeum riveers. The attractions include a massives fig tree, popular with wild life, which extenda over a wide area. Animal traks in the stream beds and wetlands of this region record wildlife activity and rhino and leopard tracks are often seen.
Cibeumbeum and Cihandeuleum Rivers trip
South east of Handeuleum Island are three enchanting river outlets and theeir lower reachers can be explolored by boaat an high tide. From these forest of the sea come starnge clonkings sounds created by crabs and beyond are the silent inner waters.

Panaitan's hill rise from pristine forest with wildlife of deer, pig, monkey, crocodiles, monitor lizards large pythons and a wide variety of bird life on the encient Hindu statues on the summits of gunung Raksa. Panaitan Island's rugged coastline and wide sandy beachs shelther several scuba diving rees and created exceptional surfiing waves
There several good scuba diving location off Panaitan island's northern and eastern shores including the reef of Batu Pitak near Lagon Butun but diving around Panaitan Island is not recommended for beginners

Gunung Rakasa Walk
From Citambuyung the trail climb to Hindu statue of ganesh and lingam sybole of Shivan on the summit of Gunung Raksa. These staue date from the pre-islamc periode in Indonesia n history and the ganesh statue is of particular interest as it is unlike others found in Indonesia.
Lagon Sabini Walk
From Lagon B Butun the trail crosses north west the Lagon Bajo an a beach rout continuees to white sandy beach, reefs and swamp of Lagon Sabini at the head of Teluk Kasuaris.

The slopers of this range are the habitats of endagered Java gibbon and variety of Animal and birdlife. The villages in this region are seldom visied by tourist and provide insights into traditionnal Sundanese life.
Gunung Honje Walk
The climb of Mt. Honje begins near Tamanjaya at Cimenteng and acend through the forest to the summit with views of Welcomes Bay ant the Ujung Kulon Peninsula.
Cogog via Rancecet
Beyond Cibadak the road becomes a motorbike or walking track passing through several kamung to the remote coastal village on Rancecet an Cegog at the south eastern corner of Ujung Kulon.

Anyer Beach

Anyer is a beach town in Banten. It is located at Anyer, 38 km from Serang City. The beach is facing the West, so we can see the view of Mt. Rakata (the remaining / child of Mt. Krakatau that exploded in 1833) and the sunset. A beautiful sea sight with all activities such as Jet Ski, Speed Boat, Para Sailing and other aquatic sport, those types of activities can be found here, as well as sunset view from the beach and an old lighthouse at Cikoneng. A lot of hotels from jasmine to international 5 stars can be tourist best choices to stay. Anyer is a popular beach resort for Jakartan.

Anyer beach has many unique enchantments. Its white sands amaze many tourists. They are so pure; we can feel the softness of the sands. The deep blue sea attracts many divers around the world because its various sea lives are so completely perfect. The sea breeze can make visitors' mind fresh, out of stress and enjoy. And the last enchantments that can make Anyer beach as the most favorite place to visit is the view of the legendary Krakatau Mountain and its historical lighthouse.

It is located in the west coast of Java about 120km from Jakarta. Sanghyang, 10 km off Anyer beach, is an easy diving destination for Jakartan divers who can only spare a weekend. This volcanic island offers white carbonate-sand beach and a wealth of underwater life, while Anyer offers a gorgeous sunset.

Borobudur Temple (Forgotten Wonder of the World)

The Borobudur Buddhist sanctuary, more than a thousand years old, is recognized as one of the greatest stupa and World's wonder of its kind in the world. Today, it is the center of tourist attraction in Central Java. The name Borobudur is believed to have been derived from the Sanskrit words, Vihara Buddha Uhr, meaning the Buddhist Monastery on the hill. Borobudur temple is located in Muntilan, Magelang and is about 42 kilometers from Yogyakarta city. It is the greatest Buddhist work of art existing in the world.

Borobudur's architects and sculptors designed it to serve the purpose of veneration, worship and meditation, though Borobudur is not a temple as such.

Using untold number of labourers, the early architects designed the structure built around a natural mound of earth resting upon a stone foundation of two layers, square in plan with regular shaped projections making 36 corners in all. The top has a great stupa, standing 40 meters above the ground. The walls of the Borobudur are sculptured in bas-reliefs, extending over a total length of 6 kilometers. It has been hailed as the largest and most complete ensemble of Buddhist reliefs in the world, unsurpassed in artistic merit, each scene an individual masterpiece. Built around the turn of the 9th century A.D. It is said that if you put your arm through one of the bell-shaped stupa and can touch the stone within, you will have your wish come true. A must on your itinerary


Legend of Toba Lake

Once upon a time, lived a young orphan farmer in the northern part of the Sumatran Island. This area was very dry. The young man lived from farming and fishing. One day he went fishing, he already fishing for half of the day but still not getting any fish yet. So he returned home for the day turns to night, but when he nearly left he saw a big beautiful golden fish, he then caught the fish and brought it home. He intended to cook the fish right away but watched the beauty of this fish he then cancelled his intention. He chose to keep it as pet, and then he placed it in a big pond and feed it. On the next day, like usual, he went to his farm, and on the noon he comeback home, to have lunch. But when he arrived in his house he was very startled for the meal had prepared to be eaten. He then fears that the fish might be stolen, and then hastily he ran to the back of his house.

However, the fish was still in place, for a long time he thinks, “Who cooks those meals”, but because his is very hungry, he ate those meals. But this incident continued to occur again repeatedly, every time he came home for lunch, the meals are prepared on the table. Then one day this young man made a strategy to find out who cooks those meals, the next day he then began to commence his strategy, he then hide around the trees close to his house. He was waiting for a long time, but the smoke in his kitchen still has not been seen, and when he then intended to return home, he began to see the smoke in the kitchen.
"Hey woman, who are you, and where are you came from?” the woman began to drop tears, and then the young man saw his fish was no longer in the pond. He asked the woman, “hey woman, where is the fish in that pond?” the Woman cried intensely, but this young man continued to ask and finally the woman answers, “I was the fish that was caught by you”. The young man then startled, but because he felt that he had hurt the feelings this woman, then he said, “Hey woman, did you want to become my wife??” the Woman then startled, he stay quiet, then the young man said “Why are you silent??” Then the woman said, “I wanted to become your wife. But with one condition.” ”What is the condition?” the young man quickly asked, the woman then said, “In the future if our child was born and grew, never even once you said that he/she was anakni Dekke (child of a fish) ”. The young man then agreed to that condition and swore he will never say it.
Then they were married and granted a child. When the child was 6 years old, this child turn to be very naughty. Then one day the mother told her child to deliver meals to his father field, the child then went to deliver rice to his father. But in the middle of the trip, this child was felt hungry, then the child opened food package for his father, and ate the food. After finished eating, the child then wrapped it back and continued the trip to his father's field. On arrival the child gave the food package to the father, the father was very happy, the father then sat and immediately opened the food package that was sent by his wife to be carried by his child. But he was very startled when he opened the package there is only bones remained. The father then asked his child “Hay my child, why there are only bones left in this package??” And the child answers,” In my trip I felt hungry, so I ate the food.” Listened to that the father was very angry, he then slap his child and said, "Botul maho anakni dekke (Why you child of a fish),". The child is then ran home crying and ask to his mother “Mak, Olo do na in dokkon amangi, botul do au anakni dekke? (Mother, is it true what father said, that I am a child from a fish?) ” Heard his child's words his mother was startled. While dropping tears and saying in her heart, “My husband has violated his swore, and now I must return to my place.” Then the sky was suddenly become dark followed with lightning, thunder, storm, and rain. The child and the mother disappeared, from their footprint emerged a spring that flowed water as swiftly as possible. Until this area was turned into a lake, that was named as “Tuba Lake” the lake without mercy, but because of the bataks was difficult to say “Tuba”, then this lake was mentioned as

Baduy Tribe

Baduy, a traditional tribe living in Banten, Java has been known with the traditional culture that prohibits all kinds of modern life. Surprisingly, their villages are actually reachable easily from Jakarta.
The Baduys are divided into two groups, Baduy Dalam (Inner Baduy) that has the strictest culture and Baduy Luar (Outer Baduy) which has more relaxed culture.

Though the main thing and the most interesting part of Baduy is the culture and tradition. A visit in their region would give us a chance for enjoying the nature as we need to do trekking and get a chance for swimming in the river

It is interesting to see the way the Baduys live their life, how the woman creates fabric with the traditional weaving, how they manage their rice harvest or seeing their traditional agriculture

In spite of the ban for foreigners to come to Baduy Dalam, everyone could come and even stay in Baduy Luar.

About Baduy Dalam, I remember seeing the angklung performance that seemed like a concert in Baduy Dalam. Everyone is also forbidden to take any photo including recording in any way within Baduy Dalam.

Baduy Luar also gives us a chance for trekking including the most famous one, trekking to Jembatan Akar (root bridge) where we could also swim in the river.

A common and probably the most convenient way to get to Baduy region is like this :
  • Take morning train from Tanah Aband train station to Rangkasbitung. Use the business class since it is way more comfortable than the economy class train.
  • After arrival in Rangkasbitung, take a minibus to Ciboleger, the most common entrance of Baduy region.
  • Once we arrive in Ciboleger, we might go to visit the villages by trekking and even to stay there, Therefore it is highly recomended to have a guide before we get there


    Pangandaran is a small town and a subdistrict in southern Ciamis regency, West Java, Indonesia. It is located on the southern coast of Java. Pangandaran is a popular tourist destination, having a beach which is considered to be one of the finest in Java and which offers excellent surfing. A kite-flying festival is held on the beach in July and August. The Pananjung Pangandaran nature reserve is nearby on a peninsula connected to the mainland by a narrow neck of land. About eighty percent of the nature reserve is secondary rainforest. The flora of the nature reserve includes the Rafflesia. Pangandaran is a Tourist Location in West Java, Indonesia. Pangandaran is family friendly and has also for individual tourists much to offer. In the bay area Pananjung are two beautiful beaches for swimming, surfing or just relaxing. Here you have much activities and adventures like trekking, fishing and many more

    The National Park on the southside rrom Pangandaran is a National Park mostly as jungle. You can walk there with a guide to the beautiful waterfalls and enjoy the flora and fauna. Or by a 1 day Trip around the Park. There are some unique cave in The National Park.
    Batu Karas is a little village 1 hour away from Pangandaran. It's famous for surfing and other water sports there.

    Batu Hiu is a place between Pangandaran and Batu Karas. Batu Hiu means Shark's Rock wich is a coastal rock having the shape of a shark. It's nice for relaxing there or taking your memorable photo at the beach.

    Green Canyon tourist attraction was located 31 km from Pangandaran. The Green Canyon name was introduced by tourists from France. The color of the river water that greenness possibly became this place reason was acknowledged as Green Canyon. Whereas the name before, Cukang Taneuh meant land bridge because of the existence of bridge in a wide manner 3 meters and long reached 40 meters that connected between the Kertayasa Village and the Batukaras Village. Cijulang River that became the aim of being the tunnel resembled the cave that was under land bridge that was known with the Green Canyon Cave. To reach this cave, tourists must follow the Cijulang River used the boat that was mentioned as “Ketinting”. This boat could be only occupied by 5 passengers. Beside the Cijulang River, tourists could enjoy the hill that was overgrown green bushy trees and the stone that decorated it. The trip will not bore because its picturesque and relaxed scenery enjoyed the river current. Rise “Ketinting” also could create the special uniqueness, especially for children who liked water. The Green Canyon Cave, picturesque scenery waited tourists after descending from the boat. Tourist could enjoy the side of the cave that was firm with saw stalactite and the stalagmite that still was dropping water. Water was continually issued in hill so as this area was mentioned as eternal rain area. Tourists could also swim in the cave by using the buoy. Tourists will feel water that was felt to be cold and refreshing. Scenery was increasingly pretty when witnessing the Palatar Waterfall that was gotten in the Green Canyon Cave. Swam in cold water while enjoyed high hills and saw stalactite and the stalagmite must be the not forgotten special experience.

    Jakarta Old city

    I went to Jakarta Old city with Yuzha and Ririn. We were in Jakarta for having internship program. I had my internship program in Indovision, and Yuzha and Ririn in Bank Indonesia, Jakarta. It was to visit Jakarta Old city. We left from Yuzha's house in Cibubur. Then, we took Busway to Jakarta Old city. It was a tiring and long journey to get there; however, we we were there all got even. First, We went to Museum Bank Mandiri. We took some photograph there. Then, we continued our trip to Museum Fatahillah. There were so many visitors there, not only local people, but also foreigners. We had lunch in food court there. Before we went home, we visited museum keramik. The place is good, but it doesnt manage well. It was great moment during having internship program.

    Gedung Keresidenan

    Gedung Keresidenan (Residency building) is located on Jl. K.K. Singawinata or the south of Situ Buleud. Residency building built in a very wide area. The main building located in the middle of the yard. In front of the main building there is a garden, as well as on the left and right. To enter the main building there are two of stairs located in the middle of building. On the right and left of the main building there is a kind of pavilion buildings which roofed village houses stretching to the rear.

    The construction of Gedung Keresidenan closely related to Purwakarta as the capital city of the residency of Karawang. However, because there was no residency buildings built and no adequate transportation facilities in Purwakarta, for some time the office of Karawang residency was in Karawang. As time goes by, in 1902 Batavia-Padalarang railroad was completed in construction. At the same years, the Residency building in Purwakarta has finished in construction. Moreover the office of the residency of Karawang moves to Purwakarta.

    Nowadays, Gedung Keresidenan is functioned as the Regional Coordination Board office of Purwakarta.

    Situ Buleud

    In Sundanese words, Buleud means a round and Situ translated as small lake. So, Situ Buleud can also call the Round Lake. Situ Buleud name was taken from the forms of the lake which round in shape.
    Situ Buleud which has an area of about 4 hectares has a background landscape of classic architecture heritage building named Gedung Keresidenan. Because of it is strategic location, the lake is used as a central place for natural recreation and sporting activities in Purwakarta. Every day of week, Situ Buled not only use as a sport and recreation area but also used by merchants to peddle his wares.
    Situ Buleud is lined with a circular iron fence with very shady trees lined up around the lake. In the middle of the lake there are water fountains. Situ Buleud very well lay out. The trees are shade, the rest area facilities are comfortable, there is a spacious walking area, and the cleanliness is maintained. Situ Buleud positioned as the lungs of the city in Purwakarta. Moreover, the existence of Purwakarta district library in Situ Buleud location offers many choices for visitors coming.