Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Pangandaran is a small town and a subdistrict in southern Ciamis regency, West Java, Indonesia. It is located on the southern coast of Java. Pangandaran is a popular tourist destination, having a beach which is considered to be one of the finest in Java and which offers excellent surfing. A kite-flying festival is held on the beach in July and August. The Pananjung Pangandaran nature reserve is nearby on a peninsula connected to the mainland by a narrow neck of land. About eighty percent of the nature reserve is secondary rainforest. The flora of the nature reserve includes the Rafflesia. Pangandaran is a Tourist Location in West Java, Indonesia. Pangandaran is family friendly and has also for individual tourists much to offer. In the bay area Pananjung are two beautiful beaches for swimming, surfing or just relaxing. Here you have much activities and adventures like trekking, fishing and many more

The National Park on the southside rrom Pangandaran is a National Park mostly as jungle. You can walk there with a guide to the beautiful waterfalls and enjoy the flora and fauna. Or by a 1 day Trip around the Park. There are some unique cave in The National Park.
Batu Karas is a little village 1 hour away from Pangandaran. It's famous for surfing and other water sports there.

Batu Hiu is a place between Pangandaran and Batu Karas. Batu Hiu means Shark's Rock wich is a coastal rock having the shape of a shark. It's nice for relaxing there or taking your memorable photo at the beach.

Green Canyon tourist attraction was located 31 km from Pangandaran. The Green Canyon name was introduced by tourists from France. The color of the river water that greenness possibly became this place reason was acknowledged as Green Canyon. Whereas the name before, Cukang Taneuh meant land bridge because of the existence of bridge in a wide manner 3 meters and long reached 40 meters that connected between the Kertayasa Village and the Batukaras Village. Cijulang River that became the aim of being the tunnel resembled the cave that was under land bridge that was known with the Green Canyon Cave. To reach this cave, tourists must follow the Cijulang River used the boat that was mentioned as “Ketinting”. This boat could be only occupied by 5 passengers. Beside the Cijulang River, tourists could enjoy the hill that was overgrown green bushy trees and the stone that decorated it. The trip will not bore because its picturesque and relaxed scenery enjoyed the river current. Rise “Ketinting” also could create the special uniqueness, especially for children who liked water. The Green Canyon Cave, picturesque scenery waited tourists after descending from the boat. Tourist could enjoy the side of the cave that was firm with saw stalactite and the stalagmite that still was dropping water. Water was continually issued in hill so as this area was mentioned as eternal rain area. Tourists could also swim in the cave by using the buoy. Tourists will feel water that was felt to be cold and refreshing. Scenery was increasingly pretty when witnessing the Palatar Waterfall that was gotten in the Green Canyon Cave. Swam in cold water while enjoyed high hills and saw stalactite and the stalagmite must be the not forgotten special experience.

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